Maro: Preventing springtime infectious diseases in pet rabbits, dogs and cats
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Maro: Preventing springtime infectious diseases in pet rabbits, dogs and cats

Jan 15, 2024

There are several well-known infectious diseases of dogs and cats that increase during warmer weather, due in part to increased outdoor activities for pets and their owners.

Some newer infectious disorders are less well-known and can also be prevented by taking measures to decrease the risk of exposure and through newly developed vaccines.

One disease that affects pet rabbits, Rabbit Hemorrhagic Viral Disease (RHVD) of wild and pet rabbits, is highly contagious and fatal to lagomorphs (rabbits). Even if your rabbit doesn't go anywhere outside your home, a bunny can be infected when owners unknowingly carry the organism to a pet through shoe and clothing contact with the virus.

According to the USDA, "RHDV2 is highly contagious and, unlike other rabbit hemorrhagic disease viruses, it affects both domestic and wild rabbits. Many times, the only signs of the disease are sudden death and blood-stained noses caused by internal bleeding. Infected rabbits may also develop a fever, be hesitant to eat, or show respiratory or nervous signs. The RHDV2 virus is very resistant to extreme temperatures. It can be spread through direct contact or exposure to an infected rabbit's excretions or blood. The virus can also survive and spread from carcasses, food, water, and any contaminated materials. People can spread the virus indirectly by carrying it on their clothing and shoes."

Fortunately, there is now a reliable vaccine available and rabbits can be vaccinated to protect them from the fatal virus. The first year a rabbit is vaccinated, the vaccine is given in two initial shots, three weeks apart. After that, the vaccine is given annually.

I have been administering the vaccine to pet rabbits over the past year and have not seen any negative reactions to date.

If you own pet rabbits, this is an effective vaccine, and should be considered and discussed with your rabbits’ veterinarian.

Ticks spread not only Lyme disease to humans, dogs, horses, and even cats, but they also carry many other serious blood parasites and viruses. Recently my practice has seen an increase in Ehrlichia, Anaplasma and Babesia cases, in addition to Bartonella (this can be spread by both fleas and ticks and can spread to humans from their pets or through flea bites).

I have recently diagnosed cases of Babesia, a microscopic blood parasite spread by ticks, in dog patients. The organisms can also infect humans and you can learn more about Babesia at

The problems with many tick-borne diseases are that symptoms overlap, testing for all VBDs gets expensive and involved and not all of these blood parasites will be controlled with the same medications. Babesia is a protozoan organism that acts more like malaria and is very different from the Lyme organism. It requires a different treatment protocol.

Unfortunately, many people and animals may be exposed to more than one disease from a single tick bite. If you test positive on a Lyme disease test, but also have Babesia (or your dog does), you may see improvement to initial treatment with Doxycycline and then relapse.

Unless a complete diagnosis is made and appropriate treatments are prescribed, you (or your infected pet) may never get well.

The best way to prevent your pet from getting one of 38 vector-borne illnesses, while at the same time protecting yourself and your family, is to use an excellent flea and tick control product, and follow these steps:

When coming indoors, remove all clothing and place in the dryer on high heat for 10 minutes. Shower as soon as possible.

Dr. Cynthia Maro is a veterinarian at the Ellwood Animal Hospital in Ellwood City and the Chippewa Animal Hospital in Chippewa Township. She writes a biweekly column on pet care and health issues. If you have a topic you’d like to have addressed, email [email protected].

Dr. Cynthia Maro